Prednáška je súčasťou sprievodného programu k dlhodobej výstave Model: Múzeum súčasného umenia. Podujatie bude viesť Lucia Gregorová Stach, kurátorka SNG. Prednáška a diskusia bude v anglickom jazyku.
Študenti majú na prednášku vstup voľný.
Dr. Lora Sariaslan je docentkou moderného a súčasného umenia na Utrechtskej univerzite a špecializuje sa na nadnárodné umelecké stratégie, mobilitu umenia, kultúrnu politiku a politiku identity. Študovala dejiny umenia na Knox College a Texaskej univerzite v Austine a doktorát získala na Amsterdamskej univerzite. Medzi jej výskumné záujmy patrí moderná a súčasná kultúra, kurátorstvo a múzeá. Zameriava sa na priesečník kritických prístupov, ktoré ovplyvňujú transformácie tvorby, uchovávania a prezentácie umenia. Pracovala v inštitúciách po celom svete, od Dallaského múzea umenia v Dallase v Texase až po pozíciu kurátorky v Istanbul Modern.
Pôsobí na umeleckej scéne aj v akademickom prostredí. Ako nezávislá kurátorka spolupracovala na medzinárodných projektoch ako Life in the UK/ Balance of Probabilities v rámci 2. ázijského trienále v Manchestri, Veľká Británia (2011), 2nd Mardin Biennial s témou Double Take (2012), This yearning is ours! v Znaki Czasu Contemporary Art Centre v Toruni, Poľsko (2016), More and more thoughts about Other Thoughts: Driton Selmani, U10, Belehrad, Srbsko, What We Forget v Nieuw Dakota, Amsterdam (2019) a Uncharted v Kunsthall 3,14 v Bergene, Nórsko (2023). Bola členkou rôznych prestížnych porôt vrátane Ceny Oskára Čepana. Je členkou AICA (Medzinárodnej asociácie kritikov umenia) a národnou korešpondentkou EMF (Európskeho múzejného fóra) pre Turecko.
Why do museums matter? Can we think of museums as sites of mapping art? How do museums provide spaces to reassess art in relation to their contexts and narratives, not only for today but with an eye to tomorrow? Lora Sariaslan will reflect on art exhibitions and diverse institutions through her own curatorial practice in the US, Turkey, the Netherlands, and Norway in her talk titled Cartographies of Curating.
The lecture is part of the accompanying program to the long-term exhibition Model: Museum of Contemporary Art. The event will be hosted by Lucia Gregorová Stach, curator at the SNG. The lecture and discussion will be in English.
Dr. Lora Sariaslan is Assistant Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art at Utrecht University and specializes in transnational art practices, artistic mobility, cultural and identity politics. She studied art history at Knox College and the University of Texas at Austin and received her PhD from the University of Amsterdam. She focuses on the intersection of the critical practices that transform creating, collecting, and presenting. She has worked in diverse institutions globally ranging from the Dallas Museum of Art in Texas to being the curator at Istanbul Modern. The scope of her activities embraces both the artistic and academic fields. As an independent curator she has curated exhibitions internationally, among others: Life in the UK/ Balance of Probabilities as part of the 2nd Asia Triennial Manchester in the UK (2011), the 2nd Mardin Biennial: Double Take, Turkey (2012), This yearning is ours! at the Center of Contemporary Art Znaki Czasu in Torun, Poland (2016), More and more thoughts about Other Thoughts: Driton Selmani, U10, Belgrade, Serbia, What We Forget at Nieuw Dakota, Amsterdam (2019), and Uncharted at Kunsthall 3,14 in Bergen, Norway (2023). She has been on juries, among others the Oskár Čepan Award. A member of AICA (International Association of Art Critics), she is also the European Museum Forum (EMF) National Correspondent for Turkey.