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Improving Electronic Services

The Slovak National Gallery is one of the institutions which are involved in a new project "Consoli-dation of ICT Tools of the Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic and Subordinate Institutions". This project will allow us to improve mutual electronic communication between departmental institutions and consequently improve the quality of electronic services for the public.

The national project "Consolidation of ICT Tools of the Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic and Subordinate Institutions" belongs under the Operational Programme Informatisation of Society and it is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. Its aim is to create a universal cen-tralised system, which will allow the operation and management of departmental activities run in electronic form as well as traditional paperwork. This includes a whole range of tasks, such as cre-ating and deploying a single registry system in departmental institutions, investments in technical equipment for the institutions and establishing common procedures for the management and pro-cessing of electronic documents. All these tasks lead to integration of the Ministry of Culture with the already existing Central Government Portal This portal offers focal and united access to information resources, public administration as well as electronic services, which are extended due to projects such as "Consolidation of ICT Tools of the Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic and Subordinate Institutions".

In practice, the results of this project will manifest mainly in the simplification of internal processes within the departmental institutions, in new electronic services for the general population, in com-munication with foreign countries and in simplification of the agenda in connection with the import and export of objects of Slovak cultural heritage. The Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic commissioned Project Management Office in cooperation with IT Department of the Ministry of Culture and external suppliers to implement the national project "Consolidation of ICT Tools of the Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic and Subordinate Institutions" within the Operational Pro-gramme Informatisation of Society, Priority Axis 1 - Electronisation of Public Administration and Development of Electronic Services. The project was completed in November 2015.


Slovak National Gallery

otváracie hodiny

monday: zatvorené
tuesday: 10:00-18:00
wednesday: 10:00-18:00
thursday: 12:00-20:00
friday: 10:00-18:00
saturday: 10:00-18:00
sunday: 10:00-18:00

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