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Visiting Regulations of the SNG

We would like all visitors and staff of the Slovak National Gallery to feel safe and comfortable, so we request that you respect the gallery's visiting rules.

Visiting Regulations of the Slovak National Gallery (SNG) apply to all visitors to the SNG premises at Rázusovo nábrežie 2, Bratislava. By entering the interior or exterior spaces of the gallery, you accept these regulations, and its provisions will be binding on you. Effective from 1. 9. 2023.


1.   The SNG premises are open to the public during the opening days and hours as currently listed at and within the gallery building. The SNG reserves the right to adjust opening hours as necessary, and to close the gallery premises during selected holidays or events that require partial or total closure of the building. These changes will be announced on the SNG website, social networks, and within the gallery.

2.   Recommended latest entry to the gallery is 30 minutes before the closing time of that day. Tickets may be purchased no later than 30 minutes before closing time. An audio announcement will notify visitors 30 minutes and 10 minutes before the closing time of the gallery.

3.   As separate SNG operations, the café, Ex Libris bookshop at SNG, SNG Reproshop, SNG Library, and SNG Fine Arts Archive have individual operating hours that can be found at


1.    Admission fees are shown in the current SNG price list that can be found at and in the gallery's ticket office. The SNG reserves the right to adjust admission fees according to its needs.

2.    Tickets for exhibitions, collection displays, and selected events may be purchased online or at the gallery ticket office.

3.    If you encounter any problems with online tickets, please contact us at: Details about ticket sales and ticketing procedures can be found in the document Všeobecné obchodné podmienky SNG.

4.   The entire ground floor of the SNG is part of a free-admission zone, and does not require the purchase of a ticket.


1.   The SNG does not tolerate any extremist or hate speech, including incitement against individuals or groups because of their gender, nationality, language, religion, race, ethnicity, colour, origin, sexual orientation, physical disability, or other such characteristics.


1.    The SNG does not have a car park or individual parking spaces for the public.

2.   The gallery’s various entrances are accessible according to the season and operational needs. When entering the gallery, follow the written instructions and navigation system.

3.    The entire area of the gallery is accessible to disabled persons with a wheelchair or other mobility aid, as well as with baby strollers.

4.    For accessibility guidance or assistance, please contact a member of staff with a green badge in the entrance hall. Wheelchair access to exhibition spaces and other areas of the building is facilitated by elevators in the Water Barracks and the Bridge. When using the elevator in the Bridge, follow the safety instructions and elevator operation guide. The entire ground floor is barrier-free. Accessible toilets are located in the entrance hall and in the hall in front of the cinema. Wheelchairs are not yet available for loan, but we aim to provide them in the future.

5.    Personal belongings may be stored in the unguarded cloakroom on the ground floor, or in lockers that are operated by inserting a returnable €1 coin (the loss of the locker key is subject to a fee of €30). To store larger luggage or baby strollers, contact a staff member with a green badge in the entrance hall.

6.    For increased comfort during your visit, you may borrow folding chairs from the entrance hall.

7.    Baby changing facilities are available in designated toilets. Leave strollers in front of the toilets so that they do not block the doorway.

8.    Photographs for private purposes and without flash, tripod, or selfie stick, may be taken in the interior and exterior areas of the gallery free of charge and without a permit, unless otherwise displayed for a particular work or area. 

9.    Dogs and other pets on leashes are allowed only in the courtyard and other outdoor areas of the SNG premises. Entry with a dog into the interior spaces of the gallery is only permitted if the dog is placed in a bag or purse that does not exceed 40x30x10 cm. Entry to the gallery with a guide dog is allowed.

10.  Keep the outdoor and indoor areas of the gallery grounds clean and do not leave litter, including any excrement from pets. Do not damage the gallery premises and equipment in any way.

11.  Parents or accompanying adults are responsible for the behaviour and visit of minors in the gallery. Children under the age of 12 may not be left in the exhibition halls without parental or adult supervision. Leaders of larger groups are responsible for the behaviour of those groups.

12.  Keep exits, stairs, passageways, and escape routes clear at all times for safety reasons, and use emergency exits only in an emergency.

13.  During your visit, observe any hygiene and pandemic precautions regarding COVID-19 or other viral diseases that, when necessary, will be published at and within the gallery.

14.  Respect the rights of others during your visit, and follow the instructions of gallery staff who are clearly identifiable by their green badge.

15.  The SNG reserves the right to refuse entry to, or to dismiss from the gallery premises without financial compensation, any individual who violates the rules set out in the SNG's Visiting Regulations, fails to comply with the instructions of gallery staff, or warrants it through other circumstances. 

16.  Visitors to the SNG are not permitted to:

– handle within the premises a weapon, dangerous object (knife or other sharp item), paint, or banner, as such objects could pose a danger to visitors, staff, exhibited works, or gallery equipment;

– enter the gallery premises wearing heavily soiled clothing or footwear, having consumed excessive alcohol, and/or having ingested narcotic or psychotropic substances;

– move around the interior or exterior areas of the gallery on scooters, skateboards, skates, or folding bicycles (including children's versions);

– enter areas designated as not being part of exhibition, services, or public gallery spaces;

– move around exhibition spaces at excessive speed (e.g. running or chasing);

–  enter the exhibition area with luggage or with an item exceeding 40 x 30 x 10 cm in volume or 40 cm in length. Visitors who enter the exhibition space with a backpack, bag, or handbag of smaller dimensions are obliged to carry the item according to the instructions of SNG staff;

– touch exhibits, frames, pedestals, or other exhibition components. Exhibits that are intended to be touched are marked accordingly (e.g. with a hand icon/picture). Exhibition spaces are monitored by a camera system and exhibited works are protected by a security sound system;

– contaminate or damage exhibited works, furniture, or other gallery equipment, including the gallery premises themselves (walls, floor, niches, windows, etc.);

– use drawing materials or colour markers outside designated places and events;

– take photographs or videos inside the gallery for commercial/professional purposes without permission. If gallery staff consider your photography/filming to be commercial, you will be instructed to discontinue the activity. If you continue the activity, gallery staff have the right to ask you to leave the gallery without financial compensation. All commercial photography or filming requires the prior approval of the SNG staff, who deal with requests for photography and filming on SNG premises. You can contact us at The SNG premises are not available for photography of wedding couples, family portraits, or the promotion of products such as alcoholic drinks and tobacco that do not align with the content and value orientation of the gallery;

– smoke and/or vape (including electronic cigarettes) outside the designated areas. Violation of the ban on smoking in the building according to Act No. 377/2004 Coll. on the protection of non-smokers can be reported to: Slovak Trade Inspection, Prievozská 32, Bratislava and State Veterinary and Food Administration of the Slovak Republic, Polianky 8, Bratislava;

– consume food or beverage in any area on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th floors of the gallery;

– consume alcohol except in the café or designated areas;

– disturb a programme, its progress, artists during a performance, or other visitors through loud conversation, ringing of mobile phone, undignified or indecent behaviour, or any other disruptive action;

– sell goods/services, or display goods/services for sale;

– distribute printed or recorded material of any kind in any area of the gallery without the permission of a responsible SNG employee.



1. In the event of damage or destruction of an exhibited work (whether intentional or through negligent behaviour), or in the event of attempted theft, you are obliged to provide assistance and all necessary personal data to the SNG staff in securing and investigating the incident.



1. In accordance with GDPR, please note that:

– external and internal areas of the gallery are monitored 24/7 by a camera system

– selected SNG events are recorded. Photographic and video records may be used for presentations or marketing purposes of the SNG and its partners. If you object, we will remove your likeness from the promotion following notification to Otherwise, we consider your participation as consent for such use.

2. Further information on the protection of personal data related to the use of SNG services may be found at

Slovak National Gallery

otváracie hodiny

monday: zatvorené
tuesday: 10:00-18:00
wednesday: 10:00-18:00
thursday: 12:00-20:00
friday: 10:00-18:00
saturday: 10:00-18:00
sunday: 10:00-18:00

Viac o návšteve


Budova SNG
Rázusovo nábrežie 1
811 02 Bratislava

Kontaktné údaje
© 2024 Slovenská národná galéria
Partneri SNG
Generálny partner
Mediální partneri
Merkantil LogoCreative Europe Programme Logo
Partneri projektov