With more than 80 works and paintings, it is a typical study collection. This is not about playing the hit parade of artistic quality; on the contrary, the aim is to make accessible to the professional and lay public as many as possible of the original artefacts in the Slovak National Gallery’s collections, and to a lesser extent also copies of the iconic works of Gothic art in Slovakia (Master Paul of Levoča).
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Vystavené diela
Hornonemecký maliar z konca 15. storočia: Crucifixion of Jesus (around 1600)
Neznámy sochár: Enthroned Madonna with Angels (1350–1400)
Stredoslovenský rezbár banských miest zo 14. storočia: Madonna with baby Jesus (around 1340)
Neznáma dielňa: Murals from a burgher house in Zvolen (so called „Old Rectory“) (1462 – 1470)
Majster Pavol z Levoče, Ústředí uměleckých řemesel Praha: The Last Supper (cca 1508 (originál), 1958 (reštaurovanie))
Majster Pavol z Levoče, Ústředí uměleckých řemesel Praha: Virgin Mary, Saint Jacob and John the Evangelist from the so called Csáky Altar of the Parish Church in Levoča. (1510 – 1520 (original), 1958 (restoration))