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European Art, 16th – 19th Centuries

Vystavené dieloVystavené dielo
Opened depository of The Collection of old European paintings of SNG was created considering the planed reconstruction of the building of SNG in Bratislava.
The changes in artistic design during three centuries in historical centers with decisive importance are represented through exposed 200 artworks of old masters.

Vystavujúci autori:
Jan Fyt, Philipp Ferdinand de Hamilton, Giulio Cesare Procaccini, Camillo Procaccini, Domenico Tintoretto, Salomon van Ruysdael, Hans von Aachen, Jan de Momper, Abraham Begeyn, Paul Vredeman de Vries, Pietro Liberi, Gottfried Kneller, Wallerant Vaillant

Vystavené diela

Vystavené dielo
Peter Paul Rubens – dielňa autora: (1620–1630)
Vystavené dielo
Lucas van Valckenborch, Georg Flegel: (1595)
Vystavené dielo
Lucas van Valckenborch, Georg Flegel: (1593–1597)
Vystavené dielo
Johann Heinrich Roos: (1678)
Vystavené dielo
Jacobus Kellner: (1763)

Zvolen Castle

otváracie hodiny

monday: zatvorené
tuesday: 10:00-17:30
wednesday: 10:00-17:30
thursday: 10:00-17:30
friday: 10:00-17:30
saturday: 10:00-17:30
sunday: 10:00-17:30

Viac o návšteve


Zvolen Castle
Námestie SNP 1
960 01 Zvolen

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