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Project Presentation

Lighting Talks* Conference

The Atlas SNG app formed part of the presentation The new SNG: Layers of Digital Experience by Michal Čudrnák and Katarína Vass at the mini-conference Lighting Talks* on Customer Experience in Culture in March 2023.

MuseumNext Conference

Michal Čudrnák and Katarína Vass presented the development process of the Atlas SNG app and its advantages for visitors and the gallery at the MuseumNext – Digital Exhibition Summit conference in December 2023.

Breakfast at the SNG

The SNG presented project outputs at a breakfast and mini-conference in the Slovak National Gallery together with representatives of the Norwegian partner Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, experts in artificial intelligence and user experience design, and participation of the media. Check out a recording of the mini-conference in the video below. The press release issued upon the completion of the project can be found here.

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Mini-conference at the SNG

SNG Atlas – from Storytelling to Digital Guide

Katarína Vass, Filip Ruisl (SNG)


The SNG presented the Atlas SNG web application and the process of its development. At the beginning of the project, our goal was to create a platform for digital storytelling and a digital guide that would enable visitors to learn more about works exhibited at the SNG and, through short videos, guide them around the exhibitions. During prototype development and testing in the first months following opening of the new SNG, we gradually discovered the strengths and weaknesses of the application. Based on findings from our testing, we have tweaked the app, redesigned it, and added new features such as a search engine and artist profiles. In this paper, we focused on this process and how it can benefit other institutions.

Visualising Collections Using Artificial Intelligence

Torill Haugen (Kunstsilo), Jørn Bersvendsen (Applica)


The SKMU and an Applica representative presented results of research into the possibilities of using artificial intelligence as a tool for discovering new contexts in the SKMU and SNG collections. The SKMU and SNG collections served as a basis for "training" the artificial intelligence model, the capabilities of which were subsequently used for visualisation of the collections in the open-source application Collection Space Navigator. The presentation introduced the process, results, and problems associated with the research, and was followed by a discussion with Else-Brit Kroneberg, Kunstsilo's Head of Collections, about how artificial intelligence could be useful for further work with digitised gallery collections.

Gamifying Stories of Art

Michal Čudrnák (SNG)


The SNG in cooperation with the Noha v mede collective produced a game to supplement the ongoing collection display Sacred Art that enables visitors to immerse themselves in the environment of St Martin's Cathedral and the Jasov Monastery. Using a touch screen, visitors can uncover sections of the buildings and search for objects, thereby learning more about the history, architecture, and artistic decoration of St Martin's Cathedral, and how the Adoration of the Lord Relief that now features in the collection display originally formed part of the altar. Visitors are transported to the Premonstratensian monastery in Jasov through a sketch of a painting that depicts the monastery’s high altar, which also features in the display. Using simple game mechanics, we provide information about the original function of the works, their location in space, and the period of their creation. In his paper, Michal Čudrnák focused on the creation of the game concept, the choice of game studio, and the current stage of the game's implementation before its completion.

Press release and promo materials

Slovak National Gallery

otváracie hodiny

monday: zatvorené
tuesday: 10:00-18:00
wednesday: 10:00-18:00
thursday: 12:00-20:00
friday: 10:00-18:00
saturday: 10:00-18:00
sunday: 10:00-18:00

Viac o návšteve


Budova SNG
Rázusovo nábrežie 1
811 02 Bratislava

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© 2024 Slovenská národná galéria
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