You’ll discover how art was responding to the era’s new civilizational challenges and social transformations, how artists were reacting to the world they lived in, and how all this found its way into their works, and changed the visuality and expression of visual art. In experiencing this exposition of iconic works, drawn mostly from SNG collections, you can take in the comprehensive whole or focus on individual pieces. It includes paintings, sculptures, prints, and photographs, alongside films and installations. Among its features is “non-permanent” exposition: changing exhibits presented every year – the current theme is (In)visible? Women of the Modern.
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Vystavujúci autori a autorky:
Janko Alexy, Jaroslav Augusta, Július Bártfay, Peter Bartoš, Mária Bartuszová, Konštantín Bauer, Jakub Bauernfreund, Miloš Alexander Bazovský, Martin Benka, Irena Blühová, Georges Braque, Tivadar Csontváry, Miloš Dohnány, Óscar Domínguez, Želmíra Duchajová-Švehlová, Stanislav Filko, Ľudovít Fulla, Mikuláš Galanda, Paul Gauguin, Ladislav Guderna, Ednumnd Gwerk, Elemír Halász-Hradil, Jozef Hanula, Vincent Hložník, Bedrich Hoffstädter, Julie Horová, Serge Charchoune, Viliam Chmel, Vojtech Ihriský, Július Jakoby, Jozef Jankovič, Anton Jasusch, François Kollar, Július Koller, Vladimír Kompánek, Ján Koniarek, Július Korezska, Jozef Kostka, Konštantín Kövári-Kačmarik, Eugen Krón, František Kupka, Karol Miloslav Lehotský, Cyprián Majerník, Ladislav Majerský, Viliam Malík, Gustáv Mallý, František Malý, Édouard Manet, Peter Matejka, Ladislav Mednyánszky, Ján Mudroch, Jozef Arpád Murmann, Eugen Nevan, Peter Pálffy, Zolo Palugyay, Pablo Picasso, Karel Plicka, Sergej Protopopov, František Reichentál, Alojz Rigele, Augustin Rodin, Ervín Semian, Maximilián Schurmann, Rudolf Sikora, Dominik Skutecký, Koloman Sokol, Ester Šimerová-Martinčeková, Fraňo Štefunko, - Toyen, Rudolf Uher, Imrich Weiner-Kráľ, Arnold Peter Weisz-Kubínčan, Ernest Zmeták, Ján Želibský
Vystavené diela
Mikuláš Galanda: Landscape with a Chair (1929–1930)
Janko Alexy: The Fujara Players (In Detve) (1931)
Imrich Weiner-Kráľ: Rachovo (Raftman's Dream) (okolo 1935)
Zolo Palugyay: Girl in White with Factory Chimneys and Flowers (1932)
Edmund Gwerk: Gusts. Journey by Wind (1928)
Ester Šimerová-Martinčeková: Harbour in Dieppe (1931)
Anton Jasusch: Circle of Life - Pilgrim souls (1922–1924)
Arnold Peter Weisz-Kubínčan: Horse (1937)
Toyen: Lake Garden (1932)
Jozef Kostka: Night (1940)
Irena Blühová: Upratovačka na Bauhause (1974 – 1986)
Ľudovít Fulla: Song and Labour (1934–1935)
Miloš Alexander Bazovský: Solitude (Birds Taking Flight) (1957)