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Model: Museum of Contemporary Art

Vystavené dieloVystavené dieloVystavené dieloVystavené dieloVystavené dielo
This exposition presents expressions of culture, society, and art dating from the 1950s up to the present.

Selected works of the collection display are veiled from 14 September to 24 November 2024, as they are part of curatorial interventions and the project Freedom Endures. Censorship, Propaganda, and Art.

It explores, through works by artists from Slovakia as well as Eastern Europe and around the world, interactions between the works of a variety of “contemporary” layers. The selection, from the newest
art in SNG collections, has not been arranged in chronological order, and it will be steadily altered, in part because of the fragile and ephemeral nature of the exhibited works’ media and techniques.

Typically, museums are associated with conserving the past, creating and preserving a canon of art history. By contrast, the term “contemporary art” has adjustable boundaries: contemporary art works are innovative and experimental, and often unconventional too. Therefore our simulated “Museum of Contemporary Art” is no repository of valuable artefacts, but more a performative collection in public space: an arena for discussion. It represents a range of attitudes, convictions, and topics from artists male and female, by way of curator strategies, research, and collection-building activities over the long term, by a considerable number of experts throughout the SNG’s existence.

Vystavujúci autori a autorky:
Ladislav Guderna, Karol Kállay, Štefan Bednár, Vladimír Boudník, Rudolf Fila, Miloš Urbásek, Michal Jakabčic, Juraj Bartusz, Eva Kmentová, Jozef Jankovič, Milan Adamčiak, Robert Cyprich, Juraj Bartoš, Ľudovít Fulla, Miloš Vančo, Veronika Rónaiová, Sándor Pinczehelyi, Jana Želibská, Michal Kern, Tomáš Štrauss, Igor Minárik, Stanislav Filko, Dezider Tóth, Ivan Štěpán, Rudolf Sikora, Alex Mlynárčik, Otis Laubert, Vladimír Kordoš, Július Koller, Vladimír Havrilla, Daniel Fischer, Ľubomír Ďurček, Klára Bočkayová, Milan Bočkay, Francisco Infante, Ján Budaj, Igor Kalný, Mária Bartuszová, Juraj Meliš, Adriena Šimotová, Ladislav Čarný, Peter Kalmus, Laco Teren, Milan Grygar, Igor Peter Meluzin, Marko Blažo, Roman Ondak, Boris Ondreička, Ilona Németh, Peter Rónai, Emőke Vargová, Milan Tittel, Michal Moravčík, Anetta Mona Chisa, Lucia Nimcová, Ion Grigorescu, Štefan Papčo, Matej Gavula, Anna Daučíková, Robert Gabris, Lucia Dovičáková, Marek Kvetan, Pavlína Fichta Čierna, Emília Rigová, Erik Binder, Cyril Blažo, Andrej Dúbravský, Viktor Frešo, Jarmila Čihánková, Ivan Csudai, Rudolf Uher, Martin Piaček, Andy Warhol

Vystavené diela

Vystavené dielo
Jana Želibská: (20. storočie, 2. polovica, 1974)
Vystavené dielo
Dezider Tóth: (1976)
Vystavené dielo
Mária Bartuszová: (20. storočie, 2. polovica, 1983)
Vystavené dielo
Laco Teren: (20. storočie, 2. polovica, 1988)
Vystavené dielo
Lucia Nimcová: (21. storočie, 1. polovica, 2003 – 2005)
Vystavené dielo
Anna Daučíková: (1966)

Slovak National Gallery

otváracie hodiny

monday: zatvorené
tuesday: 10:00-18:00
wednesday: 10:00-18:00
thursday: 12:00-20:00
friday: 10:00-18:00
saturday: 10:00-18:00
sunday: 10:00-18:00

Viac o návšteve


Budova SNG
Rázusovo nábrežie 1
811 02 Bratislava

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