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Seek Your Lucky Charm in SNG

Uverejnené dňa 24. November 2023
Do you find it difficult to grab some luck in your life? There is a unique tangible stone souvenir called Petrogram which can bring you luck.

The altruistic participative project Petrograms brings to SNG Peter Roller's painted stones. These stones often travel the world and appear in various nooks and crannies. Now you will be able to discover them in the SNG exterior.

sr1VXpomTNT4giipyzlDJ5Httkqz1mKK8509d4M9.pngThe visitors can intentionally look for these travelling stones like for treasures without a map or can come across them by accident – always in a different place, in a different situation, and thus enrich the memory of their visit, which they could physically take home with them.

Petrograms are stones with sedimented memory and for each finder they can represent not only a special artwork, but can also become a talisman with a riddle, or a souvenir encompassing a reference to the place where they found it.

We will be placing 500 stones within the grounds of the Slovak National Gallery for the duration of the exhibition. You can come to search for or accidentally stumble upon a Petrogram on the premises already today.

Follow this project on the Instagram account @stastie_sng.

Slovak National Gallery

otváracie hodiny

monday: zatvorené
tuesday: 10:00-18:00
wednesday: 10:00-18:00
thursday: 12:00-20:00
friday: 10:00-18:00
saturday: 10:00-18:00
sunday: 10:00-18:00

Viac o návšteve


Budova SNG
Rázusovo nábrežie 1
811 02 Bratislava

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