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Christmas Tree for SNG 2023. Ivana Šáteková: Lit Tree

Uverejnené dňa 5. December 2023
Oh, Christmas, the merriest and most peaceful family holiday. The tree is shining, a carp is swimming in the tub*, and, in most households, bottles of alcohol are being opened. After all, this is a time to toast – to the health of the entire family, the New Year, and prosperity. And one should not forget the “nightcap”. All of this takes place in the name of the most beautiful holiday.

For many years, the Slovak National Gallery has invited visual artists and designers to decorate its Christmas tree. This year, the young Slovak artist Ivana Šáteková created the "Lit Tree", which, with its gentle humour, reveals the problems that hide beneath the gilding of Christmas in many Slovak families.

eYEuMpNbs20XvwWnLbBb2OYW0fUnFkmjao4NAvSl.jpgUpon closer examination, the Christmas tree – at first glance conventionally beautiful – alludes to the less friendly face of Christmas. One that is masked by the glow of Christmas garlands and lights, and intentionally overlooked in the majority of households. What highlights this hidden dimension of Christmas, apart from legs clothed in traditional Slovak folk costume and decorations made of shot glasses, is the tree's occasional disturbing tremors. They come unexpectedly, evoking uncertainty, and forcing us to reflect on our own holiday memories and feelings. How do we feel during Christmas? Are we celebrating, or are we afraid?

*a slowly dying Slovak Christmas tradition. The carp is later taken out of the tub, killed, and cooked for Christmas Eve

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Slovak National Gallery

otváracie hodiny

monday: zatvorené
tuesday: 10:00-18:00
wednesday: 10:00-18:00
thursday: 12:00-20:00
friday: 10:00-18:00
saturday: 10:00-18:00
sunday: 10:00-18:00

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